Call for Papers – Advanced Battery Power Conference 2022

The call for papers for the Advanced Battery Power Conference March 29-30, 2022 in Münster closes on October 31st.
Further Information:

Advanced Battery Power is one of the largest international scientific battery conferences in Germany.
The established symposium provides an excellent platform for presenting research work and results in the field of battery technology to a broad professional audience.

Representatives from industry and academia discuss the latest findings along the entire value chain of batteries: the current state of research on lithium-ion batteries, novel battery systems and innovative materials, battery cell production and fields of application as well as second life and recycling. We are looking forward to your contribution.

The session topics are:

1. Material Level
› Active Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
› Active Materials for Lithium Metal/Sulfur/Air
› Electrolytes & Separators
› Solid State Batteries
› Other Inactive Materials
› Non Lithium-Battery Materials

2. Cell Level – any technology
› Cell Design advances
› Cell Characterization

3. Pack Level – any technology
› Pack Design & Thermal Management
› Diagnostics & Battery Management

4. Applications
› Automotive and Mobility Applications
› Stationary Applications
› Vehicle to Grid and Charging Infrastructure
› Other Applications
› Markets

5. Battery Life Cycle
› Raw Materials
› Production Processes
› 2nd Use
› Recycling
› Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

In addition to the topics mentioned above, contributions will be clustered into the different fields of research designperformancelifetimesafetycostsmodeling and characterization methods to cover research topics such as advances in material design, characterization of cell ageing or improvements in battery pack safety.

Submission of abstracts until October 31st via online submission form.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Münster!

Contact: Bernd Hömberg | Haus der Technik e.V. | Essen/Germany | Phone +49 201 1803-249 | Email

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