RWTH Aachen University

Institute for Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling (IME)
The Institute for Process Technology and Metal Recycling is engaged in applied research in the fields of extractive metallurgy (both pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy), metal refining and electrolysis, and the recycling of metals from diverse waste streams. Within this framework, processes are designed and further developed with optimized use of resources and taking into account critical waste streams. Due to the growing public and political interest in battery recycling, IME has systematically investigated optimal pyro- and hydrometallurgical recycling concepts for all common battery systems since 1999.
Project participation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Bernd Friedrich
Intzestr. 3, 52056 Aachen
Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) – Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems
The Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems at ISEA of RWTH Aachen University conducts research at the interface between material and cell development on the one hand and mobile and stationary battery applications on the other. The focus is on the investigation and quantitative modelling of ageing processes and battery life time prediction, battery diagnostics in hardware and software, battery pack design, integration of battery systems in vehicles of all kinds and in power grids for UPS functions, grid stabilisation and integration of renewable energies. The research groups operate their own demonstration facilities and vehicles for testing batteries, as well as a fully equipped laboratory for conducting post-mortem investigations. ISEA is a partner in the Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich and is the scientific and organisational head of the “Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction for Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems (CARL)”, for which the research building financed by the state and federal governments is currently under construction. It offers unique interdisciplinary research opportunities for the investigation of ageing processes, service life and reliability together with institutes of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics, informatics and mathematics.

In the greenBatt cluster, ISEA is involved in the accompanying project greenBattNutzung. The aim of ISEA’s work in this project is to consolidate and process existing knowledge in the area of 2nd-use concepts and the associated requirements connected to this area for the development of a guideline for the economic and ecological evaluation of 2nd-use scenarios. This is to be done in particular through the development of open-source tools. Whilst investigating these questions, ISEA can make use of extensive preliminary work in the area of investigating battery ageing mechanisms from projects such as eperformance, MEET-HiEnD I – III, openBat and Raffzyklen. In addition, there is in-depth experience in the field of battery system modelling from projects such as Everlasting, DUETT and HV Modal. In addition, ISEA conducts intensive research on topics related to the overall system evaluation of battery systems in projects such as BOB-LKW, Eliptic, ZeEUS and E2Fuels. Through the position of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uwe Sauer as cluster coordinator for the Battery Use Concepts (BattNutzung) Cluster, ISEA is also committed to cross-cluster networking.
Project participation
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uwe Sauer
Jägerstr. 17-19, 52066 Aachen
Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM)
The activities of the “Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components” (PEM) at RWTH Aachen University address all issues related to the topic of electrified mobility, especially with regard to the components of electromobility. In addition to looking at the production, development and recycling of (traction) batteries, the chair also researches the production of electric motors and fuel cells. Important here is the integration of research into possible practical applications. Key elements for this are practical research and its implementation in industry. Expertise in these areas has been built up through numerous research projects. The eLAB is also affiliated with the PEM. In the eLAB, together with other research institutions, both components and vehicles can be built and the latest technologies researched and tested.

Project participation
AVT – Aachener Verfahrenstechnik – Chair for Fluid Process Engineering (AVT.FVT)
The Chair for Fluid Process Engineering of the Aachener Verfahrenstechnik (AVT.FVT) at the RWTH Aachen University investigates separation and purification of components in fluid mixtures. One focus of research is the further development of low-energy separation processes, such as extraction, crystallization, adsorption and chromatography. In particular, innovative methods for the design and optimization of individual unit operations are developed – from the research of fundamental phenomena to the implementation of complete separation sequences. Therefore, detailed experimental and simulative investigations are combined. The characterization of physical and chemical phenomena in separation processes is supported by high-resolution online measurement technologies.
In the new research building “Next Generation Processes and Products – NGP²” a biorefinery is operated on pilot scale in cooperation with the other AVT chairs and external partners and i.a. the use of residual material flows for the production of platform chemicals is investigated. With this research focus new strategies for greater sustainability and resource efficiency in the form of closed material cycles based on the circular economy concept are to be developed.

Within the greenBatt cluster, the AVT.FVT is part of the AURRELIA project. The task of the AVT.FVT within the project is to recover lithium from organic-aqueous process streams within an innovative process for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). In line with the circular economy concept, the lithium obtained can be reused as a raw material for the production of new LIBs. This new approach also offers the potential of recovering the LIBs’ electrolyte, which is not taken into account in established processes. By treating the involved aqueous phase it can be recycled to the upstream process steps, so that a zero waste approach is pursued. Together with the other project partners, the knowledge gained will be transferred to the pilot scale.
Project participation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jupke
Forckenbeckstraße 51, 52074 Aachen
AVT – Aachener Verfahrenstechnik – Chemical Process Engineering (AVT.CVT)
The Chair of Chemical Process Engineering (AVT.CVT) at RWTH Aachen University is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wessling since 2010. The core competence of the chair is the development and application of innovative membrane technologies for current global challenges. The research projects of AVT.CVT are divided into seven groups: Gas (gas separation processes), Electrons to Chemicals (electrochemical synthesis of platform and fine chemicals), interactive surface fabrication (interactive surfaces made of novel materials), Ion Transport (ion-selective processes for desalination and salt recovery), Water (wastewater treatment and water purification processes), Microfluidics and Numerics (simulation and optimization of complex membrane processes). In all research fields, the area of expertise ranges from fundamental research to application studies on lab and pilot plant scale.

A core competence of the working groups at AVT.CVT is the development of innovative materials and processes for electrochemical applications. The broad orientation of research and the exchange between different disciplines within the chair and the close cooperation with the DWI-Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials in Aachen constantly lead to the emergence of new ideas and innovations, for example in the field of membrane-based purification of aqueous solutions and concentration of metallic ions. In the greenBatt project AURRELIA, different membrane processes will be utilized to process, separate and possibly recycle valuable components of spent batteries. The group can already look back on extensive research in the field of nanofiltration and flow-electrode capacitive deionization (FCDI).
Project participation
Niklas Köller
Forckenbeckstraße 51, 52074 Aachen
Institute for Management Cybernetics (IfU) e.V.
The Institute for Management Cybernetics e.V. (IfU) is a non-profit, independent, cross-industry and interdisciplinary research and development institute at RWTH Aachen University in the field of economic and social cybernetics and mobile robotics. The subfield of mobile robotics deals in particular with the autonomy and navigation of mobile robot systems and mobile manipulators in semi- and unstructured environments. These systems are applied and evaluated in application areas such as intralogistics, production, on construction sites, in the service sector (e.g. in geriatric care) and on streets, sidewalks and in parks. One area of research is adaptive and intelligent robot systems that are enabled to perform complex tasks (e.g. in assembly) using machine learning methods.

Within the DemoSens project, the Institute for Management Cybernetics (IfU) e.V. contributes its expertise in the areas of machine learning and self-learning robot systems. Here, the sub-project of developing, testing and implementing machine learning methods for the automated disassembly of EV battery systems by self-learning robot systems is focused. The research approach pursues the goal of automating different degrees of complexity in disassembly using robot systems that are capable of learning, while also ensuring transferability to different EV battery systems. The research topics addressed include the use of deep learning for semantic segmentation of battery components, automated grasp detection and the use of reinforcement learning to learn motion policies for individual disassembly steps.
Project participation
Institut für Unternehmenskybernetik (IfU) e.V.
M.Sc. Christoph Henke
Dennewartstraße 27,
52068 Aachen